Planned Giving

MVYRADIO’s Legacy Circle is a way to be a forever part of MVYRADIO’s story. By including WMVY in your estate planning, independent non-profit radio becomes part of your lasting gift to Martha’s Vineyard and the World. The process is simple, but your support lives well into the future.
Members of MVYRADIO’s Legacy Circle will have their names included in a display at Our New Island Home, honoring those who have made lasting gifts to the station.
We’d be happy to speak to you about this program, and help you with the simple steps to set up your future gift. Contact Director of Development Karen Altieri at or 508-693-5000 x 12.
Friends of MVYRADIO Inc is a tax exempt organization under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code (Tax I.D. 46-3432541).
Friends of MVYRADIO
489 State Road
PO Box 1420
West Tisbury, MA 02575